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I am chosen and not forsaken.

I don’t know if you have experienced what is called body uncomfortability, where your body shape and size make you look down on yourself.

For the longest time in my life till about 6 years ago, I was uncomfortable in my skin. I don’t know if it was the attention on my big behind or it was because I was a bit fatter than those my age.

I tried to wear clothes that would cover how I looked. I carried bags to cover my backside. Why is my body drawing so much attention? Why am I not a size 6 or size 8 like my friends?

Body confidence is an amazing trait to have, but having your confidence in a foundation that can never be shaken, Jesus is the most beautiful thing ever.

Self-worth is super important. Self-confidence is splendid. But Christ’s esteem? That is something I can never trade.

The ability to see yourself through the eyes of Jesus who died and gave himself up for you and me. I started calling myself what he called me. He calls me chosen, He has called me his own not forsaken. I am an overcomer.

Christ is more than gold and he is for me and not against me. He lives on my inside. What other confidence can I have?

I am who he says I am. I am royalty! A holy nation! I’m righteous in his name!

So now I walk in the reality of what he has called me. He has set me free and I am free indeed. I am a child of God!

With this reality, I will still eat healthy exercise, and live a healthy life but my confidence is not in how I look in the mirror but how I look in Christ, which is pretty amazing.

I am excited about this change, I’m free from the bondage of low self-esteem and now my esteem is forever built on the foundation that can never be shaken.

This is my life and it is bliss.

Please grow in this reality and you will be glad you did.


  • Reign-El Reply
    June 28, 2024

    “Behind” that some human beings are praying for…. This life no too balance 😅.
    Christ-esteem is the best esteem to have. It’s never flawed. The moment we begin to see ourselves how God sees us, we’ll live happier and more peaceful lives. Like you’ve rightly said, it’s equally important to have healthy habits.
    Thank you for sharing this with us 🤗

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